I'm Back, God Damn It!
Sorry I've been MIA for awhile now. I've had house guests, but I've almost killed all of them, so I feel free to discuss them now. These Indian Meal Moths have really cramped my style, and I sacrifice my style for no one, particularly those who happen to mate so openly, and tell their snot-nosed larvae to climb my kitchen walls and play on my ceiling.
But three weeks later, and a shiny coat of Raid on my lungs, I feel the battle is nearing it's end.

In other News, I did not attend the Calexico show at the Roseland tonight. Due to my chronic absent mindedness and the occasional bout of extreme poverty, I was late in acquiring the appropriate tickets to such an event, and was without the interest to pursue my chances at purchasing the ticket illegally on Burnside. Undaunted, I bought the new Iron & Wine/Calexico album. I then followed that purchase up with a
collection of Woody Allen's books Without Feathers, Getting Even, and Side Effects. Then on to Everyday Music where I found a copy of Lee Hazelwood's
Cowboy in Sweden, an album I have had a dickens of a time trying to get my hands on. So I touched it. Then I bought it. And best of all, these purchases cost me no more money than a ticket to the show would have. Now this, dear friends, is how to rationalize.

In other News, I did not attend the Calexico show at the Roseland tonight. Due to my chronic absent mindedness and the occasional bout of extreme poverty, I was late in acquiring the appropriate tickets to such an event, and was without the interest to pursue my chances at purchasing the ticket illegally on Burnside. Undaunted, I bought the new Iron & Wine/Calexico album. I then followed that purchase up with a

collection of Woody Allen's books Without Feathers, Getting Even, and Side Effects. Then on to Everyday Music where I found a copy of Lee Hazelwood's

Cowboy in Sweden, an album I have had a dickens of a time trying to get my hands on. So I touched it. Then I bought it. And best of all, these purchases cost me no more money than a ticket to the show would have. Now this, dear friends, is how to rationalize.
Oh, Derek, I'm so glad you made such good use of your ticket money. I wish that we were partying with Lee right now...mustache rides, anyone?
Polly, you are naughty! And Derek, way to make the best of a night by shopping. Please continue to tough things and then tell me about it!
If you made a caterpillar pie, who would eat it?
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